less than 1 minute read

You can pass arguments to the console.log like a C printf();

With %c and second parameter, you can inject CSS style to the text.

%s Formats the value as a string

%i or %d Formats the value as an integer

%f Formats the value as a floating point value

%o Formats the value as an expandable DOM element

%O Formats the value as an expandable JavaScript object

%c Applies CSS style rules to the output string as specified by the second parameter

console.log("%s is %i", "Pie", 3.1415926535);
// Pie is 3
console.log("%s is %f", "Pie", 3.1415926535);
// Pie is 3.1415926535

console.log("%c CSS text", "color: blue; font-size: 13px");
// Check out in the browser console
